Friday, July 22, 2011


Today was the last day of the program for all but six people.  And it just happened to be the birthday celebration for Simon Bolivar at our Spanish school (Institute de Simon Bolivar). So the school had a big party with fireworks, music, dancing, food and free drinks. After the party most of the students from the school went on the chiva (there are students from Germany, Norway and other European and African countries too- it’s not just the group of SLPs). A chiva is a type of party bus that has disco balls, music, lights, and drinks. The chiva took us around Quito for two hours while we danced. It was one of the most fun things I’ve done here.
 A traditional dance to celebrate the birthday of Simon Bolivar. 

 Terra and I waiting for our turn to dance. Our Spanish class did a special little performance for the rest of the school. 

Tons of dancing (we were dancing in a circle around one of the Spanish teachers). I'm in the blue shirt and Wendy is behind me. 

 The girls in my Spanish class dancing with Luis, our Spanish teacher. 

 Lighting the fireworks. After the fireworks were lit, a guy ran around carrying the vaca loca as fireworks exploded off of it. It was actually a little scary and we were running to get away from him. 

 The fireworks from the vaca loca.

 The chiva! 

 Mehreen, me and Terra getting excited for the chiva (thus my huge eyes). 

 On the chiva. There were ropes hanging from the ceiling so that you could hold on while the chiva was moving. And we all had plastic cups with strings attached to them to drink (we wore them like necklaces) so that you wouldn't have to set your drink down. 

 Me and Lisa toward the end of the chiva. 

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